Letter No.
Telephone facility to DOT officers     Department of Telecom
One increment -if date of increment between feb 06 to june 06 10/2/2011-E.III/A 19.03.2012 Department of Expenditure
Pay protection to those AAOs who were on deputation in DOT 25-1/2010/SEA-II 30.03.2011 Department of Telecom
Cadre controlling of the officers of IP&T AFS Group B 2-24/2009-PACE/KW/2914-3065 19.11.2010 Department of Telecom

Appointlng Authority, Disclplinary Authority and Appetlate Authority in r/o lP&TAFS Group"B" Posts in DOP/DoT"

S.O.830 (E) 09.04.2010 Department of Telecom
Verification of caste status of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Class candidates at the time of initial
36011/3/2005-Estt.(Res.) 09.09.2005 Department of Per & Trg